Everyday Evangelism

Is Evangelism something we do only on a certain night of the week or is it something we do all the time? I believe it is something that we do all the time. I know that in the beginnnig when I first started to share my faith with people I was so nervous and wasn’t very comfortable doing it so setting up a designated time to do it was needed. Now what I mean about a designated time is that on a specific night I would ask God to purposely put someone in my path that wanted to talk not even about God or church or anything specific but just someone that needed someone to just listen to them. Over time I became more confident talking to complete strangers like I had known them forever and before long God was putting opportunities in my path to share the word with complete strangers. There are couple schools of thought on evangelism; intentional and unintentional.


  • set time and place to share
  • talk to anyone that comes along
  • usually have a tract or something to give them

This is a very specific laid out time to evangelize (witness)

Unintentional (or Lifestyle Evangelism)

  • Not planned
  • Allow God to place divine appointments in your path

I am an unintentional evangelist, right or wrong I tend to feel that God has divine appointments for me to share my faith. But you and I could not do either one without first doing the things we have previously talked about. Make sure you are training. Sharing our Faith is not for only certain people or an option. We are all called to “Go into all nations” I challenge you all this week to be on the look out for those divine appointments and act on them.

Let me know if you have someting to add or what you think.

2 thoughts on “Everyday Evangelism

  1. Richard says:

    Yeah! There is nothing like divine appts. Living in the Spirit and listening to what He has to say and then following it. Life in the Spirit! That’s what it is all about!
    Thanks! God bless you!

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