O Leader, where art thou?

Do you remember back to that crucial point in life where someone saw something in you and said “have you ever considered taking a more active role in what we are doing here.” Maybe it was the opposite, maybe you were the one who wanted to step up but no one else saw the “it” in you or wanted to take a chance on you.

But guess what happened… Somehow, someway you rose to the challenge and now sit in a uncomfortable comfortable spot of Leadership.

How did it happen, what did you do, who took the chance on you, what challenges did you encounter and how did you overcome them.

As I am writing this my youngest son is showing a very key element needed to become a great leader, determination! He is trying to learn how to roller skate and no matter how many times he falls, slips, or trips he keeps getting up and trying again. No doubt by the end of the weekend he will be able to skate with at least a little grace and soon after that he will be skating like a pro.

Determination, it’s what drives us and keeps us getting up no matter how many times we get knocked down and believe me we will get knocked down.

Take a minute and tell me about a time when you got knocked down or about the time when you stepped up to a place of leadership and what happened.

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