Teachable Teacher

Teachable, would you describe yourself with this term or are you like other leaders that already have it figured out. To be a GREAT leader we have to be willing to be taught. Being in a place of leadership by no means gives us the right to think that we know it all. There is always something new to learn, a strength to be strengthened or a weakness to be stretched. How can we expect to impart lessons learned or speak out of experience unless we are being taught ourselves.

One suggestion to make sure we are always being taught is to seek out those that have gone ahead of us and talk with them. There is nothing new under the sun, so it would stand to reason that those that have gone before us would have something to be gleaned from their experience. While I am not perfect at this, it is something I try to do regularly in all areas of my life. It has proven to be a good way to stretch my way of thinking as well as the way that I process through obstacles and ultimately the way I lead those around me.

What are some areas that you have had to really learn to be taught before you can successfully teach?

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