Joseph was/is the man!

So have you ever thought about how awesome Joseph (Jesus’ earthly dad) was? Think about it this guy was engaged to Mary looking forward to marring her and then come to find out she is pregnant! I don’t know about you but I would have an extremely hard time just looking past that. Not to mention there is the whole she got pregnant by an immaculate conception piece that would throw anyone for a loop. Finally you have the enormous pressure of raising Jesus. I mean come on would anybody have blamed the poor guy for hitting the road and not looking back?

Do you know what the best part is though… He manned up and stood next to his wife no matter the opposition. As a husband I can really learn a lot from such an unsung hero like Joseph.

1. Nothing is bad enough to leave

2. Roll with the punches

3. Put my desires to the side and lift up my wife

4. Be a man and make the best life you can

These are just a few things that are jumping out at me.

What do you think men? Women feel free to comment as well, what can we learn from Joseph?

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